Other Camps
Other day and overnight camps and programs listed in the CampResource.com summer camp directory.
23 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Challenge is a five-week summer program for elementary students with mild to moderate learning or language disabilities....
Barrier-free camp for children & adults with disabilities &/or special needs.
Camp Accomplish is a summer camp open to youth 5-18 with or without disabilities or chronic health conditions.
Seven different camps available for all ages and abilities. Campers make friends, build social skills, strengthen physi...
Free summer camp for kids 7-17 with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.
KAMP Dovetail is a one week long volunteer run summer camp for children with any special need.
Camp Conquest is a Christ-Centered, overnight camp for children and adults with special needs.
A unique opportunity for children with special needs to develop new friendships, learn and develop new social skills.
Innovative camp and family care center for children with medical conditions, including hemophilia, crohn's, colitis, dia...
Camp Barnabas is a Christian summer camp for people with special needs in the Ozarks of Missouri.